If you are looking for a doula, we recommend you to look at the doula directory available and contact the one you like or the one you think best suits your needs. However, if you are having doubts or difficulties finding one, get in touch with us through the contact email and we will assist you in your search.
• We recommend that you contact the doula of your choice and make a private appointment to assess the level of compatibility and empathy. It’s good to remember that a doula is not another person of the many people who you’ll be in contact with you during this most important process, but a person who will support you and who will be with you through all of the birth process and with whom you will share an emotional bond. It is for this reason that at Doulascat.org we strongly recommend you to go through as many meetings as necessary to find the right person for you.
• During the first meeting with the doula, we suggest that you talk about all of your doubts, fears, options and choices and that you share any information that might contribute to her work.
Our service
Doulascat.org is a platform for diffusion; therefore we don’t fix any standards for the doulas that appear in it, nor do we receive commission for their work. Every doula will establish her own rate, and allowances can be made in case of genuine hardship.
Doulas registered with us, believe that the most valuable aspect of our work resides in being flexible and adapting to every woman and her own real needs, which cannot be fixed beforehand and which has to be constantly reassessed, according to how the process is evolving. That's why each doula establishes the way she works and adjusts her availability, to your needs, as she considers approrpiate.
In the same way, every doula takes full responsibility for her practice, establishes her own rates and arranges mutually her jobs and tasks with the woman she will assist.